Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"The most sophisticated piece of technology you will ever pee on" [Around the Internet] 12/5/07

-Chilean prostitute whores for charity, gives new meaning to "hooker with a heart of gold" [QuizLaw]
-The Washington Times is a hot mess [Wonkette]
-Remind me why they gave the ESPN guy a show about politics? [Radar]
-Tom Tancredo is an asshole. I feel like I've said this before... [Wonkette]
-Italian court subpoenas Mickey Mouse. Somewhere, Julius Caesar weeps. [AP]
-Dick Cheney thinks we should get out of Iraq ASAP. Psych! [Politico]
-The Democrats had secret debate yesterday on something called the "radio." Here's a recap. [Huffington Post]

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