Monday, December 3, 2007

And Iran, Iran so far away... [Around the Internet] 12/3/07

-Who Wants to Marry a U.S. Citizen? Like Tila Tequila with green cards. [Wonkette]
-"Never give a gay general a microphone." Pure redneck genius. [QuizLaw]
-"If we're going to go out to the streets and share the love of Jesus, why not expect something crazy to happen?" With that, I give you the Holy Interstate. [A Special Way of Being Afraid]
-Army throws money at recruits. NCAA investigation pending. [Wonkette]
-Iran is much less of a threat to the United States than the Bush administration. [Think Progress]
-Holy shit, it's a toilet house! [CubeMe]
-The Clinton campaign goes all kindergarten on Obama's ass [Wizbang Politics]

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