Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas, bitches! [Weekend Links] 12/24/07

-Hollywood is run by big, faceless corporations. Kind of like everything else. [Variety]
-Ron Paul has white pride. [Wizbang Politics]
-Speaking of white pride, Alan Keyes is a bonafide crazy person. [Wonkette]
-The Hillary campaign isn't good with dates. [Politico]
-Remember when R. Kelly taped himself peeing on a teenage girl like seven years ago? So does the state of Illinois, apparently. [The Superficial]
-After getting dumped on basic cable, Bret Michaels is heading back to the stripper-filled well with Rock of Love 2. It's about time someone put Tila Tequila in her place. [Blonde Savant]
-Tom Tancredo drops out, endorses Romney for shared distaste of Mexicans. Classic asshole move. [Huffington Post]
-Matt Taibbi on why Barack Obama is the great white hope. Read it. [Rolling Stone]
-And, finally, drunk Santas! [The Sun]

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